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The 360-degree flip display of the Symphony Electroplated Powder Box may include the following design features


The 360-degree flip display of the Symphony Electroplated Powder Box may include the following design features

2024-04-7 16:27:22

Appearance effect: The color plating treatment of the powder box makes it show colorful changes at different angles. Designers can use this feature to design an appearance that can show unique luster and color at any angle.
Transparent part design: Designers may design a transparent area on the lid or base of the powder box to show the colorful plating effect and allow consumers to observe the unique appearance of the powder box from different angles.
Rotating design: The powder box may be designed to rotate 360 ​​degrees, so that consumers can appreciate the colorful plating effect by rotating the powder box, making the product more interesting and attractive.
Display display: In product display or sales occasions, designers can consider using rotating display racks or special lights to highlight the 360-degree flip display effect of the powder box and attract customers’ attention.
These design features can make the colorful electroplated powder box present a unique visual effect when displayed, attracting consumers’ attention and increasing the appeal of the product.
The electroplated colorful powder box has a large capacity and can be opened and closed 360 degrees 91gu